Delex Through the Years

Delex Pharma International, Inc. (DPI) is a proud Filipino-owned and managed pharmaceutical and medical device company. It was established in 2009, inspired by its vision to provide patients with an alternative choice to quality and affordable products due to the rising cost of medication in the ICU setting.

The core leaders' motivation in starting the company draws from their aspiration to create job opportunities for the Filipino people so that leaving the country will be their last option. As Filipinos, they understand the value of family and the presence of each member as a support system that can bring a positive impact on nation-building. Inspired by their nationalistic views and with the help of some doctors who believed in their goals, they started the company manned by 23 people in its first year of operation.

Delex launched the now power brands of the company, which created an excellent impression on its clientele. Thus, it gained a notable presence in the pharmaceutical industry. Totilac and Norepin became an emblem of what Delex stands for in bridging the gaps of the challenges experienced by patients in the ICU—no or few alternative drugs that help save critically ill patients' lives. Likewise, the rising cost of medications and the unavailability of some critical care drugs pose challenges to severely ill patients. Hence, the Delex tagline of "meeting the gaps in critical care" was born.

Delex is here as we value life and every member of your family!


The Unfolding (2009)

In early 2009, while enjoying a cup of the world’s most famous coffee at one of its branches in Manila, Mr. J. De Ruyter C. Oroceo, the founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board envisioned his own pharmaceutical company. This vision led to the establishment of Delex Pharma on July 13, 2009, with the support of regulatory pharmacist Ms. Joy Cipat. The company began operations on August 3, 2009. In the following months, Mr. Oroceo hired two hospital sales representatives and, in November 2009, hired a District Sales Manager.

In its formative years, Delex Pharma operated under its parent company, Globo Asiatico Enterprises, Inc., recognized as one of the fastest-growing distribution companies in the country.

The first two main products that were instrumental to DPI’s success, both promoted in GMA and Luzon, were Buminate (Albumin 25%) of Baxter Philippines (Commercial) and Tramadol (Milador) Inj. of Sandoz Philippines. These two distributors are among the most recognized pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

The company signed a distribution agreement with leading international pharmaceutical companies from Southeast Asia, South Asia, and even the US. These are United Biotech, India, ICU Medical Inc. (USA), and Innogene Kalbiotech, now Kalbe (Indonesia).


Strengthening Its Pillars (2010)

In January 2010, Delex Pharma experienced a significant breakthrough, marking a period of rapid growth. It completed its roster of sales team in anticipation of the promotion of Perdipine from Astellas Pharma in March of the same year. By April 2010, the team had grown to 17 dedicated employees.

Although DPI was new, it did not hinder the company from having another impressive milestone. It engaged in Marketing Agreements with well-known national and multinational companies. Since the company provided a caliber performance, Astellas Pharma of Tokyo, Japan invested in the distribution of its original (Nicardipine) Perdipine product. With the tactical marketing of DPI, these products had overtaken the spotlight of its competitors in the market.

Before the closure of Baxter Philippines (Commercial) in the country in 2013, it entrusted DPI to market its critical care products, namely Flexbumin (Human Albumin), Premixed Potassium Chloride, and Premixed Dopamine. These products were introduced successfully to their niche market with the expertise of Delex Pharma International, Inc.

This year, the company also helped promote the Sublimaze of Janssen Pharmaceutical (Johnson & Johnson), which is the innovative brand of Fentanyl Citrate. Hence, the product re-emerged in the market with the extensive experience of Delex Pharma in marketing anesthesia and analgesia.

Proudly in the same year, the company again showcased its proven potential in contributing success to its partners. DPI had signed a distribution agreement with Innogene Kalbiotech to market Totilac™ (Hypertonic Sodium Lactate). Before Delex Pharma's distribution, the product had very low historical sales with only 37 bags sold in two years. However, the sales had exponentially grown.


Launching Its Product Lines (2011)

Undoubtedly, the success of the company for the past two years brought another deserving event as they introduced their product lines in 2011. These were Norepinephrine (Norepin®) in three (3) SKUs, 2ml, 4ml & 10ml, and Dobutamine (Dobulex). Moreover, Norepin® is among the most trusted generic norepinephrine brands in the Philippine market.

The company’s force, which was shaped by professionals, had built up reliability and confidence in supplying quality critical care products to hospitals, and business partners nationwide. Hence, this had led DPI from continuously holding its reputable name higher.


Improving Business Operations (2012)

In 2012, DPI recommences what unfolded in the beginning, as it signed a Distribution Agreement with MD Pharma, providing various quality pharmaceutical products. The company had also organized a Trade Sales Division to reinforce its nationwide services in hospitals and drugstore accounts.

Customer relations are at the heart of Delex Pharma International Inc. Thus, DPI made sure that they can independently maneuver the distribution services to refine access to different channels. This calculated method directly served the satisfaction of clients and ensured that the products were promptly available, especially in critical times. Additionally, the company had continuously improved its business operations by integrating SAP  ERP applications for the management of internal business processes for effective data processing and information flow across DPI.

With a greater purpose, DLX Holdings, Inc. and High Everest Capital, Inc. acquired DPI from its mother company, Globo Asiatico. It was also the year when DPI moved to a new office at 189 Mindanao Avenue, Barangay Bahay Toro, Quezon City.


Enhancing Leadership Skills (2013)

In 2013, the company sustained the momentum of skyrocketing in the field as it ventured into the anti-infective business. It launched its first two antibiotic products, Ceftazin (Ceftazidime) and Ceftrex (Ceftriaxone) manufactured by United Biotech India Pvt. Ltd.

DPI continued to broaden its horizon and applied a concept-selling marketing strategy as it initiated the promotion of Ifimol IV (Paracetamol) in 1g vial (premixed, water-based) aimed to transition from ampoule usage.

The company did not stop in extending its ability in product line distributions to aggregate its Anesthesia/Analgesia portfolio. It kicked off the marketing of Lexofol (Propofol) from Ambica International Corporation. Lexofol is one of the few Propofol brands in the market available in vial preparation.

Part of the company’s persistence in delivering notable accomplishments is the engagement of home-grown managers in enhancing their communication and leadership skills by partnering with Toastmasters International. It is a non-profit organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills across a worldwide network of clubs.

Along its way, DPI had incorporated the Total Quality Management (TQM) Program. It aims to align the employees to be committed to maintaining high standards of work in every aspect of the company's internal policies and operations.


Giving Back to the Community (2014)

In 2014, DPI widened its partnerships with several companies, which proved the company’s potential in breaking through the pharmaceutical industry.

It had steadily augmented its business line and acquired dispensation of Midazolex to provide Anesthesiologists an alternative Midazolam I.V./I.M. The product is from Myungmoon Pharm, Korea.

The company had also debuted the supply of TEGO of ICU Medical, Inc., which is the first and only needle-free connector US FDA-approved for use in hemodialysis to augment the device business. Also, it initiated the next wave launch of antibiotic products, namely Spectrax (Cefipime) and Bacimycin (Clindamycin) of Claris Lifesciences. It is a company dealing in Specialty Injectable business. Sandoz Philippines Corporation had as well come to an agreement with DPI to market their generic brand of Fentanyl patch (Fendermal).

The company had again expanded its distribution channel as a corporate liaison to the biggest drugstore chain in the country, Mercury Drug Corporation. It aims to reach the branches near hospitals and nationwide.

In the same year, Delex Pharma International, Inc. had appointed the top 5 auditing firm worldwide, PwC, as an external auditor. It is designated to further build structure and control in the company’s finances based on international standards. Having PWC improves the internal systems, provides credibility, and gives shareholders confidence in the company, making the business more efficient and less prone to fraud or error.

Along with empowering its employees, the organization willingly embraced Corporate Social Responsibility. Aside from the goal of increasing sales and driving customer loyalty, we are beyond making a difference in local communities through our CSR programs to help the less fortunate Filipinos. DPI sponsored the education of 50 indigent children and increased to 125 in 2021. This program is in partnership with World Vision, a global humanitarian organization dedicated to improving people’s lives to overcome poverty. 


The New Home (2015)

The institution increased its number of competent employees, along with its growing business. In 2015, Delex Pharma purchased a 360-square meter property in Brgy. Sauyo, Quezon City, became the new home of its workforce.

Furthermore, DPI wanted to raise its standards beyond excellence and to envision leadership among its employees. Thus, it established Delex University and formed a partnership with San Beda College for an on-site MBA program. 

The company had equally strengthened its IT infrastructure, as it is beneficial to respond to the growing need of the company for an enhanced information management system.

The success of the organization from the previous years had brought another partnership with Smiths Medical, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of specialty medical devices. Delex Pharma had promoted ambulatory infusion pumps (CADD Legacy PCA & its consumables) to supplement the hospital device business. More so, Delex appointed RBC-MDC distribution company to focus efforts on marketing, inventory optimization, and in-housing its product lines and brands.


Marching Forward (2016)

In 2016, the Marketing Department instituted the ICU Forum Program for Medical Doctors which signifies the company’s commitment to providing Continuing Medical Education (CME) support to Health Care providers. The company also founded the Spiritual Holistic Integrated Empowered Leaders of Delex (SHIELD) program, led by its Director, Fr. Gil Peter Coching. The program is for acculturation and values formation that empowers relevant skills and spiritual values among the young workforce.

Delex Pharma primarily focused on marketing advanced businesses in Critical Care, Anesthesia/Analgesia, and Medical devices. Then sooner, it gained a jumpstart in housing all the brands that they have been promoting only for the past six years while besting the challenges.

In the same year, DPI took over from RBC-MDC Distribution Company to distribute its product. It aimed to develop well-maintained customer reach and service to deliver satisfaction in responding to the needs of its customers.

Meanwhile, the fifty (50) indigent scholars, which DPI responsibly shouldered, increased to eighty (80) pupils, and recently to 125.


Bringing Home the Bacon (2017)

2017 was a blast for DPI after receiving various awards, which were the consequences of the brilliant steps they have endeavored. The organization received awards from Asia CEO – Executive Leadership Team of the Year and SME Company of the Year. With the attested impact on its partners, the company placed fifth (5th) in the hospital channel based on the IQVIA report.

This year was another milestone for the organization when it established two more banner brands— Nicardilex (Nicardipine) & Funginil (Fluconazole) to go with the Critical Care Franchise.

Furthermore, the powerhouse of Delex Pharma grew to one hundred eighty (180) adept and experienced employees to serve its expanding network.

Meanwhile, DPI rented a 425 square meter property in Valenzuela to house its products and its delivery operations.


Year Before a Decade in History (2018)

Digital modification is advancing in all aspects of the business, and the workforce is no exception. With this, DPI rode along with the technological advancement providing an iPad to the sales force, which enhanced the implementation of SalesForce Effectiveness or SFE. Moreover, the firm allied with E-science Corporation for pocket-wise systems applications to improve customer reach. It improves the company’s internal process of monitoring sales and transactions automatically and generates sales reports in real-time. Hence, all data are automatically synchronized. 

In 2018, Delex Pharma continued to a headway as it initiated the innovator brand Ibuprofen I.V., (Intrafen), and the first branded generic Linezolid (Axazolid). It was also the period when it was certified by PRC as a Continuing Professional Development or CPD provider. More so, the implementation of the first ICU Forum for pharmacists took place.

The organization never ceased in hastening the skills of its employees. DPI launched a Master Class Program of Delex University to provide Leadership and Marketing training for Middle and Senior Managers. It is under the coaching of Prof. Dominador “Ringo” Gamboa from San Beda Graduate School.

Along with the efforts made this year is the institutionalization of its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR Programs. Also, the original fifty (50) indigent scholars the company has been supporting ballooned to one hundred (100).


A Decade of Milestone (2019)

Delex Pharma International, Inc. persistently scaled up its performance and network until it reached its significant tenth (10th) anniversary in 2019!

DPI continued with its program in nurturing the Health Care Providers in the country. It implemented the first Joint ICU Forum for Nurses and Pharmacists in collaboration with Critical Care Medicine of the Philippine Heart Center. Moreover, it increased the number of ICU Forum Faculty as a backbone to strengthen its goal.

Continuous learning is embedded in the heart of the organization to cope with the fast-evolving environment and rapid advancement of businesses. In line with this, it launched a Mandarin Class for Management Teams to support the vision of future business expansion. It also partnered with Life Enhancement Consultancy to advance the HR program for Organizational Development and to reinforce marketing initiatives.

While technology delivers accuracy in a lot of aspects, DPI launched Mobile Dosage Calculator App for Norepin (Norepinephrine), Dobulex (Dobutamine), and Nicardilex (Nicardipine Hydrochloride). The app is downloadable from the ICU Forum website.

It was also during this notable year when CMO Asia recognized Delex Pharma International Inc. DPI took home the PHILIPPINES BEST BRAND Award 2019. Likewise, the VP for Marketing, Ms. Lourdes Monasterio, proudly received the PHILIPPINES WOMEN LEADERS Award 2019.


Standing Firm Amidst the Health Plight (2020)

After the success of its 10th anniversary in 2019, the company has faced one of its lowest points in operations as the COVID-19 pandemic broke into the world. Although it has led to terrible challenges, the executive committee, who are agile and resilient, made rounds to survive one of the toughest battles. With such a circumstance, the management established a crisis and risk management team to ensure the continuity of business operations during the pandemic and beyond. 

Despite uncertainty amidst the health plight, Delex moved its advocacy by extending its hands to help its people and the modern-day heroes—the healthcare providers. The company designed an employee-centered program by implementing work-from-home arrangements, distributing personal protective equipment (PPE), improving health coverage, and providing financial assistance to Delexians who do not have leave credits. In addition, the management imposed safety protocols in its business premises by installing engineering controls.

Serving the community or the "Bayanihan" spirit is embedded in the core values of the company. Thus, in the first week of the COVID-19 outbreak, it started helping the healthcare providers in the country. Delex donated PHP 2.2M worth of personal protective equipment (PPE), multivitamins, food packs, and other necessities. Furthermore, to help healthcare professionals repulse this uncertainty, the company launched its online ICU Forum on March 2020 as part of its digital breakthrough, geared towards educating them on managing patients affected by the health crisis. The ICU Forum committee collaborated with esteemed local and international doctors to share the best practices to grapple with COVID-19. Moreover, Delex enhanced its online capabilities by purchasing a Zoom license and strengthened its social media presence to reach medical personnel locally and internationally. To date, almost 150,000 healthcare providers benefited from the program. 

Moreover, the company broadened its digital IT infrastructure capabilities by partnering with various hospital departments and medical societies to support their virtual conventions and post-graduate courses. Delex became their Zoom provider and digital arm in reaching a wider audience for their webinars.

Meanwhile, as Delex remains steadfast in achieving its goals, it continues to expand its medical devices business. The organization collaborated with CAIR LGL as its exclusive distributor of the NEUTRACLEAR product line in the Philippine market.

Amidst the health crisis, DPI has again proven excellence, after being honored among the finalist-awardees in the  Asia CEO Awards 2020 on September 23, 2020. The organization prides itself among the winning companies in the listing of Teletech Diversity Company of the Year. Correspondingly, the CEO of Delex, Ruyter Oroceo, has proudly obtained a spot in the category of Global Filipino Executive of the Year, granted by SMART Communications. 

As a result of the company's unwavering dedication and resilience, it was able to weather the storm of the pandemic and emerge stronger than ever.


Milestones While Co-existing with the New Normal (2021)

Despite the continuous effect posed by the pandemic, the company has remained steadfast in its commitment to its employees, customers, and stakeholders. With the company’s objective to leverage its business processes and improve customer satisfaction, both internal and external, it engaged its people with the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System training which led to the certification of Delex on July 6, 2021. The Certification Partner Global (CPG) granted the certificate to the organization after it passed the quality audit. Hence, the company boosted its efficiency and effectiveness in maintaining high standards of service delivery. Accordingly, the organization successfully shifted to SGV as its external finance auditor to establish accurate and error-free financial statements and disclosures.

As COVID-19 unceasingly affects humanity, Delex Pharma opened its first-ever drugstore in Barangay Sauyo, Quezon City on October 18, 2021, to provide immediate solutions to the medical needs of the community and its neighboring cities. Delex Pharmacy, as a licensed retail drugstore, offers an affordable and quality wide range of pharmaceutical products, health supplements, medical supplies, personal care items, food, and other necessities to cater to all the needs of patients.  

With the growing business of DPI, it constructed the third warehouse to properly store its medical devices portfolio as well as the products carried by Delex Pharmacy and its subsidiary company, JMN Brothers Pharma Limited, Inc. In the same year, Delex partnered with Philips as an exclusive distributor of the latter's Cardiology ultrasound. Thus boosting the company's medical devices business. Moreover, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines granted JMN Brothers registered trademarks of two critical care products—the Delexam and Delexard

As e-learning programs become increasingly important to healthcare practitioners, the ICU Forum strengthened its pillars by launching two more webinar initiatives—the Perioperative Care Forum and Pediatric ICU Forum

While the company continues its commitment to helping build a sustainable nation, it renewed its support to World Vision in providing the needs of 125 financially challenged pupils. 


Surpassing Challenges, Soaring Higher (2022)

The company successfully outwitted the challenges posed by the pandemic in the past two years, and now Delex sustains its business capabilities. In 2022, DPI acquired MD Pharma and JMN Brothers Pharma Limited, Inc. as its subsidiaries. Both companies cater to the health consumer and hospital businesses. 

Marching forward to greater heights, the company established partnerships with the biggest players in the pharma industry in the Philippines—UNILAB and Sandoz Philippines. The agreement is aligned with Delex's goals of diversifying its businesses and dealings. 

To support public health in a wider reach, the organization opened the second branch of Delex Pharmacy in Santolan, Pasig City on December 20, 2022. This initiative allowed our "kababayans" to have access to affordable and quality medicines critical for their health. Meanwhile, the drugstore also reinforced its advocacy by launching FREE CONSULTATIONS in Sauyo, Quezon City, and Santolan, Pasig City. Almost three hundred of our "kababayans" have benefited from the program. It aims to help financially challenged Filipinos who are to pay for their consultation with a medical doctor.

On December 22, 2022, Delex Pharma provided support to cancer patients at Philippine Children's Medical Center (PCMC) by donating various presents requested by the kids in the hospital. Indeed, the organization lpursues one of its commitments to the Filipinos by helping the community. A few months before the year ends, World Vision awarded the One for Children seal to Delex Pharma International, Inc. during the Project Salute ceremony last June 3, 2022. The recognition plaque was given to honor and recognize the remarkable support Delex has been providing over the years.  



There may be remnants of the impact of COVID-19 on the company, but it remained agile and resilient. It made significant strides in expanding its business by venturing into a partnership with the biggest local pharmaceutical company in the Philippines—UNILAB, Inc. Last February 22, 2023, Delex Pharma sealed an out-licensing agreement with the latter organization. The collaboration aims to strengthen Delex’s power brand, Norepinephrine, which once became a market leader in critical care in the Philippines for several years. More than that, both companies aim to broaden the distribution to help healthcare providers treat less fortunate, critically ill Filipinos.

While the company strives to meet the gaps in critical care, it invested in growing its anesthesia therapeutics by launching an oral medicine—Etoricoxib (Exib-90 and Exib-120), in May 2023. Delex has always been committed to delivering high-quality and affordable medicines to the country, hence, offering such an essential health product, which is available in Mercury Drug Corporation (MDC).

Moreover, on July 1, 2023, the company opened an oncology division, aiming to provide innovative therapies to combat various types of cancers in the Philippines. This initiative not only demonstrates Delex Pharma's commitment to evolving healthcare needs but also positions the organization in ensuring that patients have timely access to life-changing treatments, which means “Living a Life Beyond Cancer.”

With the company’s vision to make affordable quality medicines available to the public mass, it established the third branch of Delex Pharmacy in Kalibo, Aklan on July 21, 2023. Meanwhile, the drugstore reinforced its free consultation advocacy, which helped more than four hundred (400) patients since the first branch opened last October 2021.

In addition to the endeavors of the organization, Delex Pharma inked an agreement with CSP Lifesciences on August 7, 2023, to jointly distribute and promote DEXMEDETOMIDINE. This collaboration aims to expand the drug's availability, ensuring patients across the country can benefit from its therapeutic effects.

Furthermore, the ICU Forum, which has become an avenue for healthcare providers across the globe to access free webinars, shifted to hybrid execution, supporting various medical societies and hospital departments.


Augmenting Market Reach and Growth Through Strategic Partnerships (2024)

In the first half of 2024, Delex Pharma International Inc. launched 11 pharmaceutical products. These launches span critical care (Glisenit, Axaline 3%, Norepin 16 mL, and Nicardilex 20 mL), oncology (Fosfalex, D-xobin, Docelex, Paclitex, and Fluoracilex), and anesthesia (Fentalex 90 mg and 20 mg, Predex, and Rocumed), reinforcing Delex’s position as a leader in diverse therapeutic areas in ethical business.

Adding to its momentum, Delex expanded its medical device portfolio by securing a distributorship agreement with Verathon, a global pioneer in laryngoscopes and bronchoscopy solutions for over 40 years. Products such as the GlideScope Titanium Reusable and Spectrum Single-use models highlight Delex’s dedication to bringing advanced technology to Filipino healthcare. 

In the latter half of 2024, Delex forged new alliances with multinational leaders in medical technology:

  • Amsino International, Inc.: A California-based innovator with FDA-certified facilities, Amsino brings its expertise in fluid management and medication delivery systems, including the Receptal Trolleys, Canisters, and Liners, to the Philippine market.
  • SternMed GmbH: A German company specializing in turnkey healthcare solutions, SternMed partners with Delex to distribute state-of-the-art operating room and patient care devices, such as surgical lights, anesthesia units, and ICU ventilators.
  • Masimo Corporation: Renowned for cutting-edge noninvasive patient monitoring technologies, Masimo collaborates with Delex to introduce advanced patient monitors, including Masimo LiDCO and SedLine, to the Philippine healthcare system.

Furthering its strategic growth, Delex Healthcare Group (DHG), which holds a 60% stake in Delex Pharma International, Inc., entered the PINK OTC open stock market through a partnership with Bounce Mobile Systems (BNCM) on July 2, 2024. This collaboration culminated in an October 2024 merger between BNCM and Delex Healthcare Group, with new management plans set to roll out in January 2025.

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Address: Lot 4, Blk 4, Carnation cor. Magnolia Sts., Brgy. Sauyo, Quezon City, 1116, Philippines

Landline no: (02) 426-0270/426-0271/280-7647

Fax no: (02) 696-98-35